The assessment as to whether we are lagging behind or not is very subjective. It depends on the fields. In the past, our frameworks have always been cultural support models. The French, the Germans and the Australians always came to see what we were doing. They recently came again, after the renovation we've just done. Very recently, France has taken a real interest in what we are doing with regard to virtual museums. We've innovated in this field. France wants to learn how we're doing that.
A few years ago, I invited some British individuals to take part in a reflection exercise. At the end of it, their conclusion was that we were too hard on ourselves. We were always saying we had to do more. They told us they considered Canada a leader. As you know, Montreal and Vancouver are the third biggest video game producers in the world. So it depends on the field. It's true that we are in the midst of a stunning boom for industries. Everyone is trying to adjust to a very quick change. However, I wouldn't say we are losing more ground than other countries. We are dynamic as well.