My other question is for Mr. Beaudoin. It will be the last one, Mr. Chairman.
I live in a little village called Lefebvre, near Drummondville. The village was hooked up to the Internet as a result of funding that was released in order to install high-speed Internet. This isn't the only place where this hasn't yet been done. People from a number of small villages around there call me every day because it appears that, for all kinds of reasons, they can't be hooked up to the network. Either the company can't do it because it hasn't received funding, or those villages are already served by another company and that company doesn't want to serve everyone. An in-depth study is going to be conducted of all those cases.
My question is this: have you heard about similar problems in Canada? My colleague who was here earlier talked about that. She lives in St-Jérôme. The small villages around where she lives are experiencing the same problem. And yet funding has been provided to hook up to the Internet in the regions. Have you heard that there were problems in implementing that program?