Mr. Geist, thank you very much for being here. Your coming here is very much appreciated particularly for all your remarks about the digital world and also copyright. They are well known and understood.
And it is in this context that you advanced ideas about what this government should do. You laid the groundwork for a future global strategy for transiting into a digital universe. I am pleased that you have also included copyright because it may not be obvious to everyone that we cannot switch to a digital world without first solving the copyright issue.
In completing your answer to Mr. Rodriguez, you made reference to a bill. Would you not agree that before moving forward with a bill, this government, which has to date provided band-aid solutions to pressing needs, should instead elaborate a broad global strategy for transiting to digital based upon what we have at the present time? This should be put together to create a vision allowing everybody to feel that they are all moving in the same direction together, including consumers who are facing important challenges at this time.