In fact, I think you've put two issues on the table. You're talking both about anti-circumvention and about fair dealing, and both are, as I've said, critical issues that we have to deal with.
On the issue of anti-circumvention, I say again that we need to implement, if only because of the kind of political pressure we face from other countries and to at least send the message that we are trying to update. But as you've just noted, there's flexibility in how we go about implementing. We can be fully compliant with these treaties and still seek to preserve the kind of balance we have off-line in a digital world.
With respect to fair dealing and that move toward flexibility, in recent years we have seen other countries--Israel is a good example--move toward an exact U.S. fair-use approach. Now, I take the position that simply taking the U.S. provision is not the right way to go. There are those out there who would disagree with me...who are seen to be on my side of the fence on this; no, we want fair use.
I think it is a far better approach to recognize that we now have years of jurisprudence around fair dealing that emphasizes--