No. In many ways, some of the things that we see coming out of WIPO are actually past their best due date. I don't think they have worked well. That said, I also recognize that there is pressure to do it. We did sign it. That doesn't obligate us to do anything further, but the practical reality is that we need to move forward.
No, I think that ensuring that we get the right copyright bill—one that is going to last, so that you don't spend another seven years having to debate these same kinds of issues—means that we incorporate not just WIPO issues but other issues, such as fair dealing.
I can't emphasize this enough: it's not just about being able to say that we're WIPO-compliant; it's about ensuring that we are WIPO-compliant in a way that tries to preserve the balance. There is a good way of implementing WIPO, in my view, and a very dangerous way of implementing it, one in which we alter the balance.
Let's do WIPO, but let's do it in a made-in-Canada way that is compliant with the international obligations but that tries to preserve the fundamental principles and values we have associated with copyright as well.