As I mentioned off the top, I think it's a good thing to be doing. It's a great thing. It's an important area, and the extent to which the committee can help feed into a broader digital strategy I think is very useful.
I guess if I take a look at the last five years or more of discussion on digital issues, whether in committee or more generally, there is a tendency, and it's natural, to hear from what we might see as the usual suspects. I think it's unquestionably important to hear from those established players. But I think we also need to recognize that much of the innovation that is taking place in this space is not coming from those traditional players. In fact, many of them are struggling to keep up. To come up with a relevant study that really looks at the opportunities as well as at some of the challenges, it becomes absolutely essential to ferret out and identify some of those more innovative players. In many instances, that's not easy, because we're not talking about household names.
People have heard of EA, Electronic Arts, the large software company, let's say, which is hugely successful. Polar Mobile is less well known. But the growth of Facebook applications and iPhone applications is a massively fast-growing market, one that is very innovative and that has such low barriers to entry that it provides tremendous opportunities for Canadians to compete. It's identifying those kinds of players. It is the smaller record labels or the more innovative record labels out there that recognize the challenges and the tremendous opportunities. They are gearing their business approach towards embracing the Internet as opposed to trying to find ways to keep it from entering into their business plans.