Well, I just mentioned a couple, and I'm happy later, certainly, to provide the chair or members of the committee with the names of the kinds of businesses we're seeing.
It is, of course, a fast-moving space. If there's one other kind of Canadian success story that perhaps you ought to be thinking about hearing about, it's the number of noteworthy successes that started in Canada and are no longer here. To give an example--I mentioned my younger kids, so I'll mention them again--there was a brief period of time when my kids were very into Club Penguin and Webkinz. People who have kids of the preteen set will recognize both of these. These are dominant players in the online space when it comes to kids' games. They are for the pre-Facebook set, so to speak. They are very, very successful. Webkinz is still a Canadian company, run by Ganz, so it's a great example of a Canadian company that has adapted to the online environment. Club Penguin is one that was bought out by Disney.
Why is Club Penguin now U.S.-owned? Why is StumbleUpon, which started up here, U.S.-owned? Why is Flickr? Think about the photography area. It is one of the dominant players when it comes to online photography. The dominant player now is Facebook, which has literally three billion photos posted every month. It's a staggering number, but Flickr has billions as well. It was started by Canadians and was, of course, bought out by Yahoo.
If we're going to talk about creating a national digital media strategy, we also ought to be talking about how we retain that Canadian success and talent in Canada. That's something I don't think we've spent a lot of time thinking about yet.