It's a terrific question and a very important one. It's one that people have been grappling with for some time. In some ways, I'd divide my answer in two.
One of the ways that creators are compensated in the online environment is within the market. We have to recognize that new media doesn't require a complete collective government plan to ensure creators are paid in the online world in the same way they're paid in the offline world. In fact, I think many creators find tremendous opportunities within the online world. They're sometimes paid in the conventional ways. At other times, they're paid far more in different ways.
The stories of one-offs, such as Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, and some other musicians out there, have become increasingly more commonplace as illustrations, in some instances, of giving away some of that intellectual property. You can use their work or have access to their work because they recognize they can make far more in other places. Policies that are designed to protect and hoard IP as much as possible can often miss the forest for the trees. If the goal is to maximize the type of revenue that can be generated, oftentimes providing it and giving it away can actually work quite well. I think there are great opportunities.
At the same time, there may well be another role. When there is a market failure, collective licensing often comes in. I think it is worthwhile talking about whether or not the collective licensing approaches that we now have in place will still work in the current environment. Frankly, before we begin layering in all kinds of additional fees, we need to ensure the structure is working appropriately. I'm not someone who says absolutely no to potential levies or new collective systems. I think they have a role to play, if the market really does break down, and they can provide a better alternative.