Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you for coming, Mr. Geist.
Clearly, we are at a very promising time with the advent of these technologies, a time when extraordinary prospects are open to us.
All the same, there are some people who are excluded from this process. I am thinking about people of my generation or of my father's who have great difficulties mastering the use of these systems. There are also people who, like me, live in isolated rural areas where they have no access to the Internet. These people are excluded and suffer the consequences.
I, myself, have been using a BlackBerry for a year and I must admit to its advantages. It is because we have immediate access to information allowing us to take immediate decisions. Those who have these tools obviously have an advantage over those who don't, especially when it comes to business.
So, while there are people who are excluded, there are also all those nation states who do not have access to these systems. How do you see the situation unfolding in the long term given the problem of people who are excluded?