Thank you very much for coming.
I have had a chance to take a look at some of the work you have done on copyright and net neutrality, and I think you're to be commended for your great insight and perspectives.
I wanted to just pick your brain on a couple of things. Given all of your expertise and wisdom, I think our committee could benefit. One of the things that you've written about in the past in regard to cultural policy is a sort of new innovative idea dealing with the Internet Registration Authority and the funds that they get. One of the ideas that you have proposed is that every Canadian should be able to get a free Internet domain name to ensure that we increase the number of individuals who are participating online.
Perhaps you could comment on that and the direction that you see new media going in over the next three to five years. Tell us what you think our committee and the government could perhaps do to prepare for that, to ensure that Canadians from all demographics, regardless of their socio-economic, cultural, and linguistic background, would be able to participate in the evolution of new media.