Thank you.
I have a problem with digitization in my area. It is not 100% penetrated by broadband rural access. We've talked about this before. Digital literacy is a huge issue for me, in the sense that the government is becoming more open, using e-government. They're saying now that people are applying for EI online now, we don't need these extra... But there are so many people isolated by that, who are not digitally “literate”, if I can use that word.
I only say this as a comment, to get your comments on it.
The second part, and I'll let you go from here, is that you use a lot of international models, and ones that make a lot of sense. You mentioned “notice and notice” as an example used successfully in Europe, and “notice and takedown” as used not so successfully. We're now engaging in a comprehensive trade agreement with Europe, and I suspect that our being behind in copyright is not going to bode well in these discussions or any other discussion that is considered to be part of a comprehensive trade agreement.
These are two different issues entirely, but...