--that the CRTC's “prime directive”, as we said in the old Star Trek days, because I'm going back to the 20th century here, is to interfere in the market as little as possible. You say that again and again, and then you say that of course you want to ensure diversity of voice. I would have assumed that the main role of the CRTC--why we have it--is to ensure the public interest is defended. It's not the job of industry to represent the public interest. It's not the job of industry to do the diversity of voice.
We're in a situation here where Bell can offer their phone viewers exclusive highlights of the Grey Cup if they sign on at $3.99 a month or $5.99 a month. That would make perfect sense from a business model. A small start-up company that's competing with Bell would like to get access to content. As you say, certainly content comes from all over the world, but we're interested in content that's coming from Canada, that's being created now by this exclusive group.
What steps are in place? Or have you even addressed the fact that the guys who are selling me my phone package every month are the same guys who are controlling the content? And they might not want that content going to their competitors, because hey, you're going to get a better deal in their little walled garden. That's the issue we need to look at.