I will be as quick as I can.
Your question is whether the regulatory landscape is satisfactory for us to exist. From our perspective, it's absolutely not. The CRTC deregulated the carriage of our specialty services in fall 2008 and we're going to see that in August of next year and how that's going to translate for all of us.
Right now our flagship station is Vision TV and we're carried in close to 10 million homes because the CRTC had mandated that for 20 years. Come next year that will no longer be the case. Yes, BTUs will have to carry us, but they could put us anywhere on the dial with any package so we could basically have five subscribers. There's the distribution. The LPIF that we've been hearing about we do not have access to. The value for signal that the CRTC was going on about as something for small broadcasters, again, that's something we're going to have access to. We don't have access to carriage by DTH operators. So all of these wonderful things that they've been talking about we do not have access to to help us in this environment.