I will try to repeat it for you, so I hope I get it right. Basically, she said that when a distributor would pitch a production idea, they were asked not to pitch the idea to another broadcaster within 18 months.
I am sure you can appreciate that they would see that demand as unreasonable. She used an expression—I am not sure if my colleague remembers it. She said something to the effect that it was akin to asking for someone's DNA. I do not recall her exact words. She said that the conditions being imposed on producers were clearly unreasonable, that the balance of power was against them, that broadcasters had all the control, and that from now on, producers would have to bow down to the broadcasters because of the size of their market share and the challenges producers would face if they did not do business with those broadcasters.
Now that you are going to be in that boat, do you intend to take advantage of producers, as well?