Vertical integration is tipping the scale against independent broadcasters who can't compete for content with the distribution rates promised by broadcasters affiliated with one of the big vertically integrated corporations. It leaves fewer doors for producers to knock on and increases the chances that broadcasters in the same corporate group will share the same programming. Why do we need hundreds of channel if half of them are airing the same programming? We need measures to ensure fair competition and to maintain editorial diversity in our broadcasting system.
Before the most recent rounds of vertical integration, the CRTC took steps with its diversity of voices policy to lay down some ground rules. Now that the commission is trying to oversee these huge, powerful conglomerates, it's acutely obvious that the tools it has to enforce the rules are not very effective. We strongly support chairman von Finckenstein's calls for the CRTC to have the power to impose monetary fines. We all know that money talks.
The CRTC must also take a more aggressive approach to protect diversity in this integrated world. We urge you to direct and empower the commission to ban exclusive content deals. These conglomerates should not be able to lock down content, especially when taxpayers have paid for it. We would also like to see a mandate that vertically integrated companies maintain separate management structures for cable, satellite, broadcasting, and telecommunications operations.
Canadians are looking to you, as our elected representatives, to provide the leadership and vision we will need over the next few years to put the rules in place now to ensure we can seize the opportunities in front of us in this digital and integrated world.
Thank you.