In the short term, the agreements are doing well. The problem is more the entire issue of vertical integration. A form of oligopoly is currently emerging in Canada. In the long term, will we still have the distribution guarantee that we should have? In the long run, won't we be yielding to the temptation to favour the content of each of the players?
So the problem for us is more long-term. In the current environment, the agreements we now have seem satisfactory to us. However, in the long term, there really is a risk that people will use this issue.
We agree that the profitable part of the industry right now is signal distribution, not content production. In the long term, that presents quite a major danger for Canadian content and its producers. Ultimately, what distinguishes us is that we're only a content producer. If one day those that produce content can no longer afford to distribute it because an oligopoly controls content distribution, that would become a real risk.
In my opinion, we have to establish guideposts to ensure that Canadian content is distributed to Canadians through normal distribution channels.