We're actually making it applicable for opportunities where it does not apply right now. It's important that it's established in law.
I think you need to understand what the complexities in copyright are. There are two main groups that will oppose copyright no matter what. There's a group on the left that I call the “sticking it to the man” group. In other words, they don't want industry to make any money. Whatever you try to do that might push money into industry, where somebody might make money, they don't like that.
The other side is the extreme right. They're the libertarian group. They're the “stay the hell out of my life” group.
Those are the two groups, right? Most people are somewhere in the middle. But if you want to appeal to the voters on either side of that, then you take a position that is inherently opposed to them.
Now, most of the interventions I'm hearing at Bill C-32--certainly a lot of them from my colleagues opposite—seem to be appealing to the sticking-it-to-the-man group. They're very concerned about the creators. But whenever you talk about trying to re-establish a marketplace or an opportunity for groups to earn money legitimately, that doesn't appeal. What we need instead is a system of levies, taxes and so forth, that we can send out through various bodies, because we all know you can't have a marketplace. I actually think that's....
Unfortunately, your comments will be interpreted as being against Bill C-32, because you don't believe that Bill C-32 does anything to re-establish a marketplace. And that's unfortunate.