Thanks very much.
Thank you, Mr. Glick, for attending today. I found your presentation really fascinating. I think that, as a company, Google is on the edge of a wave in a lot of ways.
We've talked about how some of the old standbys or standards from the past--what we've come to expect or how we've regulated things in the past--are currently being challenged. But the automobile challenged the horse and buggy, right? The Canadian government of the day could have said that it didn't want cars, that it believed in horses and buggies, and that it was going regulate it so that there would be nothing but horses and buggies.
I don't think we'd have a very competitive economy if we had done that, and I think that's what's before this committee and this Parliament.
I have a quick question. A one-word answer will do. Google is giving away search engine applications. You give away maps, satellite views, and streetscapes. You give away software. An author points out that he wrote his book using free Google software called “Google docs”, and he didn't pay anything for it. You also give away YouTube.
Is your company nuts? Are you crazy?