Naturally, that is a key part of our mandate and something that differentiates our French service. For example, roughly 12 of our 20 radio stations are outside Quebec. So it is important to understand that we play a crucial role as the only provider of French-language radio in these communities, except for a few community radio stations. So we often serve as the connection between everyone and the francophonie, generally speaking. That is very significant.
With that in mind, we have spent the past few years trying to improve these services by going everywhere and creating not just news programs, but also variety programs.
Today, we focus a great deal on developing specific digital services. French speakers outside Quebec have the same media-based needs as all Canadians. Mr. Lacroix was just talking about the economic model. And because there is no business model for serving French speakers outside Quebec, we serve an absolutely critical and unique function, and we are very aware of that.