I just wanted to speak, though, to Mr. Kenney, because Mr. Kenney intervened in a CRTC decision and helped overturn a CRTC decision about an adjacent licence to the CBC broadcast signal in Toronto, at 98.7. He told the would-be licensee that he would overturn that decision, and it was done subsequently. And then Mr. Kenney told CBC they should apologize to the black community of Toronto for having stood in the way of this would-be licence.
I am concerned because it sends a message that any minister can intervene in the CRTC for whatever group. I have a letter from the broadcasters' technical coordinating committee, representing all the major media organizations. It said that if you allow these one-off interventions, it would drastically change the manner in which the rules are applied at the CRTC.
I'd like to ask you this. Do you attempt to hold other ministers in line, not to intervene on behalf of would-be licences to overturn CRTC decisions, as Mr. Kenney committed publicly he would do?