As I have said several times, the CBC, throughout Canada, is an absolutely essential institution for the cultural industry in Canada. This organization, whose mandate is unparalleled, has a responsibility to bring Canadians together, to represent both official languages of Canada in every part of the country, and to broadcast in Northern Canada in eight Aboriginal languages. It has an enormous and difficult mandate, and it is a very difficult organization to lead in an economic crisis such as we have just experienced. That is why I said I had full confidence in Hubert Lacroix and his team. I have confidence in every decision they make for the CBC, and what they do with the money they receive for their mandate, which is to represent the interests of Canadians.
I also spoke here about the very recent appointment of Ms. Stuart. She has spoken publicly about getting moving and making changes to the CBC's programming to try to have more Canadian content. That is very important, Less JEOPARDY!, less Wheel of Fortune, and more Canadian content, those are things...
You're asking me to say positive things. I always say...
What I'm not going to get into, ma collègue--I've said it in French and I'll say it in English now. I don't want to, frankly, come to a committee and comment on his comments about those comments. I'm not here to play that game. I'm here to have a conversation about CBC/Radio-Canada and what its mandate is and how they're fulfilling it for Canadians. I'm here to tell you that as the minister responsible on behalf of Prime Minister Harper, I have confidence in Hubert Lacroix and his team and what they have done through the difficulties they've had because of the recession. We've done good work together. There will be more challenges in the future.