I've run a home-based business for a number of years. When the computer came, we could decide whether to run the computer on the Internet or talk on the phone. Then the fax machine came in and we ran dedicated phone lines for the faxes and we sent them out on cards. Then we started drilling all kinds of ugly holes through our walls and stringing wire so that we could have a hub for our computers. We thought we were state of the art.
Now when I go home to see my wife and kids on the weekend, they're all sitting in different rooms with laptops. There are no wires anywhere. They're using Wi-Fi, which in the 1980s was junk band-space that nobody knew what to do with. Now everybody is using Wi-Fi.
I ask that because we have no idea where we're going with respect to the potential of the spectrum and what new applications are going to be used. Has the CRTC examined the spectrum that is available? How much is going to go for wireless? Has there been any discussion about the use of the white spaces? Have you done any examination of the possibility of reserving some of that band-space for future applications not yet thought of?