This is an official request. Please, send these documents to the committee chair.
There are, after all, 31,500 households remaining, which is not totally insignificant. If you cut that into half, there are some 15,000 households remaining. That would account for a little more than two persons per household.
According to the demographic studies conducted by the Canadian Media Research Consortium that I quoted earlier, the homes lacking a television receivers are six-person households. Therefore, there are many people that would no longer have access to television.
You have done a few studies over the years. In 2009, you asked a group consisting of Bell TV, Quebecor, Shaw, Rogers, and so on, to provide you with a report on digital television. Those broadcasters recommended a way to assist the 31,500 people who do not have television receivers. You—the CRTC—published another report in October 2009 in which you provided solutions for helping those people. All of a sudden, you no longer wish to help them; you are placing the burden on the broadcasters by telling them to deal with it. What has happened to the CRTC?