I just wanted to reiterate that I think there's a lot of focus on the fact that the digital transition may bring in a loss of service for some Canadians, and that's true. I think it's such a pity that we're not focusing on how to make sure that Canada as a country gets the most out of the digital transition in terms of new services.
All that transmission infrastructure is in rural areas. There's no reason any of those communities should lose service. The communities have what they need to step up to the plate. They should not just maintain existing service; they can use those towers to get new services, such as wireless broadband and all these other things rural communities don't have.
Simultaneously, in urban areas all the new space that was supposed to be opened up during the digital transition for new, free TV services is being hogged by all the same broadcasters. We're not going to see any of those new services unless we modify the direction we're going. Other countries just aren't going in those directions.