Well, it wasn't a decision to wait until the last minute. I wouldn't put it that way. It was a decision to enter the marketplace when the communication opportunities were at a maximum. Remember that just a few months ago broadcasters were still fighting the possibility of going to digital. It was only a few months ago that they turned the corner on that, I think, and accepted that it is happening. Now we are putting pressure on them to give us the exact dates of the transition, which channels they're moving, and at what time, and that is what we need to do. The government can't communicate without that information.
The U.S. case is actually quite interesting. Down there, the broadcasters—not the government but the broadcasters themselves—spent nearly $1 billion to communicate.
It is very much a cooperative approach we need. The government has a certain role, but the broadcasters have a role as well. That's what we're coordinating.