The biggest challenge was funding, which I already discussed, so I won't go into any more detail on that.
I mean, so much of it was easy. Getting people to participate was easy. Getting people to consume it is difficult, because there's so much noise out there. So I would say that building an audience is the second-biggest challenge we face. We've had to partner with established large media companies to make that happen—and this probably supports a lot of the views Madam Lavallée was mentioning. I think those are the two biggest things.
What has been quite easy, though, is getting support. So the investors who helped us.... This ties into your question, Mr. Uppal, about advice for people who are trying to do this in the to go out and find senior people, or for this government to encourage senior people who have resources, be they financial or be they expertise, to mentor younger people and to throw their weight behind these types of projects. We could not have gotten to where we are right now, and could not continue to grow the way we do, if not for their networks and the introductions they provide. It's way more than just the financial support.
When we've reached out to different organizations, they've all gotten behind the idea and said, “Yes, this would work for us.”