I brought with me a small outline from an international strategy document. From an international perspective, Warner Music Group follows three basic principles that support our strategy, which I explained previously in the meeting.
There are three strategies. I'll start from the bottom up. There is an evolving connectivity system in the world. There are evolving connectivity drivers from a technological perspective. This means there's a trend toward multi-screen connectivity. So aside from the government angle, there is the network operator aspect. This is where there's connectivity; we're working with connectivity multi-screen approaches to access scale and access consumers.
The second thing is there is impending competition to migrate to the digital content cloud. So aside from government, we're working this channel to bring these companies, which already exist in the U.S. and in Europe, into Canada to take advantage of these new services. They don't exist right now in Canada.
The third one is that there is an improving political environment internationally--I can reference digital Britain--that our company is looking to as one of the three elements or three trends that are essential in supporting our digital priorities.
In summary, you have the government requirements on one hand, which Graham has spoken about, but we have our tactics in place to address the new digital technologies. Those are already there.