I thought you would have had all you ever wanted to hear about that last Tuesday.
I would have to say, having read the transcripts, or being aware of what was said there, I concur with that; I mean, we are opposed to the sort of fair market proposal that's being promulgated, which has the effect, we feel, of legitimizing virtually all of the illegal activity and therefore destroying the marketplaceāand then replacing it with a levy.
I don't think that's the solution. I don't think creators benefit from that. I know they don't benefit from that. I don't think consumers are going to benefit from that. No one will.
I would have to say that I don't think it has a place. Certainly it's a concept that's foreign to the continental systems. It would be something that you would have to look at very, very carefully, because if there were ever an area where the law of unintended consequences could take full rein, it would be that.