Another place where festivals can play a role is that we will indirectly, obviously, have a trickle effect through other festivals' arts organizations, up to and including individual artists, because we, at our core, work within a much larger ecosystem. Where we are located across the country we will have the capacity to have that kind of ripple effect by working with other artists. As I said, from Luminato's perspective, we have one goal or one program we're already devising, which is to have every single province represented in our program in that year.
I also think that the place where FAME can have a really helpful effect is in what I refer to as that lead-up opportunity. One of the great things about us is that we all happen at different times of year. Sometimes we overlap. But you basically get year-round coverage with a FAME kind of group, which I think could really be helpful for disseminating the singular theme.
I think one all-encompassing theme can be hard to manage. It could be hard to get everyone in that same box. But I think if you had enough voices around the table, and at least some large slogan or organizing principle, such as “Canada on the world stage” or something like that, everybody could figure out a way to work within one theme. I think through our organization, and obviously, if you add the NAC and others to that, we could be really helpful in a consultation for brainstorming those ideas.