Let me say that the story we choose to tell says a lot about who we are. That particular pageant offered a very specific nationalist narrative of nation building that wasn't reflective of what actually happened. I don't think that there's a problem at all if individuals want to engage in re-enactments for children of all ethnic backgrounds whose ancestors may or may not have been there to be a part of it. That's just participating in the story; that's not my point. My point is that the people whose ancestors were part of the voyager experience do exist in Canada and their participation was not sought. That's my point.
It's not that those who may be newcomers to Canada cannot participate in the story of Canada's past, but the fact that the story of Canada's past was changed in order to offer up a grand narrative. So when you have tourists coming and viewing this and this is the story you choose to tell, it's like getting your history from film and saying, I saw that in the movie theatre, therefore it must be true. We do a lot of analysis of that.