Thank you for the question.
The Métis Nation was involved. We signed an agreement or some kind of protocol with the four host first nations. We were accorded every opportunity. Our youth were directly involved. We had our time at the first nations house, and we were invited to various openings, receptions, and so forth.
For the Métis Nation, we have no room for complaint. We commend the four host first nations, the organizers of the Olympic Games, and I guess the Prime Minister and the Governor General for inviting us to the receptions. It was a good experience for us. It was a very good experience for our youth, who participated throughout the Olympics and were part of the opening ceremonies. One of the big highlights for me was when the youth walked in and they announced the Métis Nation. It was a great opportunity for us. We had difficulties in getting ourselves out there, and that was a big moment for us. We were involved as well in the torch relay. We had our youth along the way, and some of our elders.
All I can say is that it was a very good experience