The story of Marie-Joseph Angélique was popularized recently by the book by Afua Cooper. It is a remarkable story about how this young black slave was accused of setting fire to Montreal and was tortured. This all stemmed from the Code Noir, which was a rule imposed by the French in 1709 in Quebec that gave the French permission to own and sell slaves.
These are all stories that could be promoted, as the OBHS has done through their website, through films, short films, that have been done about Marie-Joseph Angélique, and there are some.
There is a rich history in terms of black history in Quebec. The Quebec Board of Black Educators introduced a curriculum of education to the ministère de l'Éducation du Québec called “Some Missing Pages”. This was years ago. I don't know if the school boards use that anymore, but it was introduced many years ago.
I produced a film a few years ago about the Union United Church of Montreal, which celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2007. One of the groups that formed that church was the Coloured Women's Club of Montreal. The Coloured Women's Club of Montreal is the oldest women's organization in Canada. A lot of people don't know that. There is a rich African Canadian history in Montreal and in Quebec.
Certainly the OBHS has been instrumental in promoting that history, and my company has taken an active involvement in terms of producing those stories and films.
There are so many stories throughout the country. Some of the first inhabitants in Victoria and Salt Spring Island in British Columbia and in the Athabasca valley in Alberta were black. Some of the earliest settlers in southern Ontario, and certainly in Nova Scotia, were of African descent. There are many regions. And Quebec should not be excluded in terms of telling these stories, because it has a rich history.