Thank you both for your submissions. This has been tremendously exciting. I want to congratulate you all for bringing some specific recommendations, because that's a framework we can build on as a committee to make recommendations to the department, coming out of this study.
I embrace the “We are one” theme. I think it's a great direction for Canada to take and something we should strongly consider. As far as the museum goes, I also think that's a tremendous project, something we definitely should consider strongly as part of our celebrations of Canada 150. We have to embrace our past if we're going to move forward. We must celebrate our victories and the good things about Canada's past, but also remember the mistakes we have made as a country.
I'm going to talk briefly about one of those mistakes, but I'm going to go back to something I talked about in the last committee meeting. The year 2017 is also the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, which I think was a pivotal moment in Canadian history. At Vimy Ridge, there's a tremendous story about an African Canadian named Jeremiah Jones, who is from my home town; this is like what my colleague talked about in relation to his area.
Jeremiah Jones was a soldier in the 106th battalion of the Nova Scotia Rifles. During the Battle of Vimy Ridge, he crossed the German lines, became separated from his platoon—we fought in platoon style at Vimy Ridge, which is probably the reason we won that battle—single-handedly captured a German machine gun nest, and, I'm sure you are aware of this story, brought the entire crew of Germans back with him, carrying their machine gun, and then presented the machine gun to his CO and asked, “Is this thing any good?”
There was great celebration in town, because the Jones family was very popular, and he was a high-profile community member before he entered the war—and a great friend of my grandfather, who also fought at Vimy Ridge. I am going to read you a quote from the Truro newspaper from the time:
Jerry Jones...captured a German machine gun, forced the crew to carry it back to our lines, and, depositing it at the feet of the C.O. said;-
“Is this thing any good?”
The report is that he has been recommended for a D.C.M. I hope it is true. [We] All [need to] honor...this man, who is ready for the front again [after recently being wounded].
May he live to return to Truro and [may he] receive the welcome and awards he deserves.
We are glad for these encouraging lines for the boys from a Military Camp in England and...what if “Jerry Jones” returns to Truro with a D.C.M., he'll be the lion of the hour.
Well, in one of the great tragedies of Canadian history, he didn't get the DCM. I was pleased to attend a ceremony two years ago at which that wrong was righted and he received the Distinguished Service Medal posthumously from Peter MacKay and Mayann Francis, who is the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia. Unfortunately, his daughter, who had really worked hard celebrating history and who was a former teacher of mine, passed away the evening before he was to receive this medal.
That's the type of dedication and service the community has given to Canada. That's also the way that Canadians have treated some of this community in the past. Things like this, in a history museum all about black history, would be a tremendous thing for all Canadians to see—not just African Nova Scotians and African Canadians; I think it's something that all Canadians should see and experience, to know that we are one and that we are going to move forward together.
So I think the museum is a great idea.
The other answer is education. Education solves what Mr. Cash was talking about concerning poverty. We have talked about moving people around and about youth exchanges. But I think as part of Canada 150 we have to re-embrace a scholarship program for all students and all youth in poverty to support their going on to some sort of post-secondary training, because education is the great leveller. We talked a bit about that during our break.
So what are your comments on some sort of program we can put in place to support education to help relieve the problem of poverty in your community, and in fact the poverty of all Canadians?