If I'm understanding you correctly, we help promote particular personalities in a number of ways.
First of all, we have a website, which has a series of themes to work with information and photographs that are already posted on our website.
We also use Facebook; I'm the webmaster for our Facebook page. If there is something that comes up in terms of any subject, not just particularly about women, although that's a particular interest of mine..... My books have been about women: I've written about Mary Ann Shadd and Harriet Tubman, and I wrote a book called Leading the Way: Black Women in Canada. Black women, of course, are very close to my heart—perhaps the diametric opposite of who and what the Fathers of Confederation were. There are ways of posting that information.
We've also created some travelling exhibits in the past, which have helped focus not just on the contributions and achievements of women, but on those of other African Canadians as well. I think those are some of the things that can continue.
The OBHS also created the first African Canadian film, which was called A Proud Past, A Promising Future. While it's dated, perhaps it's time for it to be updated. Maybe there will be support through the recommendations of this particular committee to see more educational film and more alternative media produced.