We're just completing regional meetings with our partners across the country. I was in Thunder Bay on Sunday and Monday meeting with a group, and in Halifax on the weekend meeting with our Atlantic partners, and we're going to Regina next week.
The opportunity is for them to feed into our strategic plan and our strategic vision for 2017. We're asking the question: what can we do together as we work towards the 150th anniversary of Confederation and what do the next five years look like? What are the celebrations? Who are the communities we need to engage?
The conversations have also extended into tourism, to provincial tourism agencies, and to local and municipal governments, of course.
Another meeting that we'll be having when we're in Regina, which gives you an example and a flavour of the interest, is a provincial symposium for Saskatchewan, thanks to the support we've received from the federal government.
Saskatchewan is struggling to get a lot of trail built. They're at the point that it is about 39% complete, so there is a lot of trail to cover and to build. There is a symposium that will bring together all levels of government and all interested organizations that want to help to build the trail. As part of this, we'll be talking again about the road to 2017.
As much as possible, we're opening, the conversation to as many people as possible so that we can engage not only all levels of government but many in the community.