I guess what I would say to you is that our first mission is to finish linking the trails. To the extent that any of these historic sections are part of that overall linking, absolutely we include them.
Our next step after the linkage is to develop what we call the feeder trails, so that any secondary roads that have significant historic, cultural, or scenic import would be the next phase of our mission.
One of the problems we have is that we're trying to eliminate orphan sections of trail. I know that we have a section down around Windsor that was funded by Chrysler years ago—by the Chrysler employees, actually—but I'm not exactly sure whether it's on the route. I believe it touches a portion of the section that was related to the underground railroad. To the extent that we can accommodate a section that is historically and culturally significant within the overall linking....that linking is our mission number one at this stage, because it ain't “Trans Canada until all of it is actually joined together.
Our next mission, right behind that, is the additional pieces that would then become contributors to and participants in the overall trail sections. The idea is to build the spine and then start to add on the ribs and the other bones.