Thank you. That's very helpful.
Mr. Dinsdale, you mentioned improving conditions; I think you meant it just as a reference point. Maybe 150 years from now the conditions will be at the point where we'd like them to be for our first nations, but I want to ask you whether you have any ideas on what targets might be set annually, leading up to 2017, for specific improvements on quality of life for first nations, targets that can be committed to by the band councils and the provinces and the federal government. I'm thinking of perhaps by 2012 raising participation in public school education and equality; by 2013, ensuring that potable water is always available year-round on first nations reserves; and by 2015, developing small business for sustainable communities. I'm thinking of those kinds of goals, which the three parties could agree upon together and set as goals, so that in 2017 there is a visible and a real change in the quality of life for first nations--something worth celebrating.