Good morning. Thank you for being here with us this morning.
I think that Parks Canada will certainly have a major role to play in Canada's 150th anniversary. Certain topics, certain moments in Canada's history inspire all of us and are of particular significance.
I remember that my colleague Mr. Calandra told me that one day he learned some details about the St. Lawrence Seaway on a Web archives site—I think that it was either Radio-Canada or the NFB. The Canada Lands Company is eventually going to cede some land around Pointe-de-Longueuil, under the Jacques-Cartier Bridge, which is itself directly at the entrance of the St. Lawrence Seaway. That is where ships leave the river and enter the seaway.
You were saying earlier that you took part in the conference on the 150th anniversary. It was suggested that new historical sites be created. We have heard here many, many times—and God knows there has been a great deal of talk about the 150th anniversary since we began our hearings—of the importance of involving people, of having this start from the grassroots.
What type of consultations do you intend to hold with the population? I know that in connection with the 150th anniversary of Canada, a lot of people in Longueuil would like to see a commemorative park to mark the importance of the seaway. At that spot, the banks of the river are easily accessible by subway, among other means. However, access to the Seaway Park is much more restricted. It is in Saint-Lambert close to the locks, and to visit it you really have to want to.
Do you think that this project might see the light of day? How should we consult the population in that regard?