I shall now call the votes.
Vote 1b--Operating expenditures..........$7,953,692
Vote 5b--The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions..........$157,930,630
Canada Council for the Arts
Vote 10b--Payments to the Canada Council for the Arts..........$1
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Vote 15b--Payments to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for operating expenditures..........$60,000,000
Canadian Museum of Civilization
Vote 35b--Payments to the Canadian Museum of Civilization..........$665,000
Library and Archives of Canada
Vote 50b--Operating expenditures..........$1
National Arts Centre Corporation
Vote 60b--Payments to the National Arts Centre Corporation..........$1
(Votes 1b, 5b, 10b, 15b, 35b, 50b and 60b agreed to)
Shall I report the supplementary estimates to the House?