Maybe I could respond to this.
Before I go to the private partnerships, I will first say that we are a complex region, with several municipalities and the NCC. We're trying to look at a regional approach, so we are engaging with the mayors of the two large cities, Ottawa and Gatineau, on one front. They will have their own projects that they're working on that are very exciting. We are also chairing a group of federal partners, so we're looking at the federal component as well.
What we are looking at doing is something we've done at a number of events we were involved in, including the Junos and other events, where we create what we called the “host committee” at the time. That means bringing together partners; that's when we can have the key private players involved in the organization. We intend to do that early on, and not to wait until we're halfway through the planning.
These are some of the thoughts that we have as to how to engage the partners at that level. As we said earlier, we do—on a daily basis and in everything that we do—now engage the private sector. That's the way we found that we're able to maximize our federal dollars and to have a better offer at the end of the day. It's been very successful.