We're a provincial museum, so from a scheduling viewpoint, from the research and development viewpoint, certainly a longer period of time would really be beneficial to put it into the bigger picture that you want it to go into. Depending on the program, whether it's an existing program or a variation of a program, the kinds of matching funds you might need.... One of the programs that I was speaking about here, the idea of doing showcase exchanges with other museums in other parts of Canada, is a program that isn't available federally right now. There are traveling exhibit programs, but they're more complex. They're not ones that a small community museum can get necessarily, and they're ones that we would be careful about applying for, too, because of the commitments that are required in order to do that. I think there could be some program variations that would perhaps enable “one-off” kinds of things that could happen within various levels of the museums.
But for all of that, to my mind, it would be a couple of years out that we'd want to look at that kind of opportunity. This year, as we're looking at 1812, we're scrambling a little bit and it would be nice to have a bit more planning time to ensure that we could do it effectively.