There is a set program, and I'll ask Elizabeth to speak to that directly.
Of course, with the current world in which we live, the security posture is dictated by the risk assessment that is done on the danger posed to the visitor so that, for example—this is perhaps not the time to talk about the Secret Service—the relationships with the Secret Service and the security surrounding the President of the United States are such that they are well known for sort of taking over wherever they go to protect the President. We have managed that on a number of presidential visits.
Similarly, for example, again given the situation in the world, Prime Minister Netanyahu was recently visiting. Again there the security was very major, but I doubt, say, the President of Ireland would necessitate a similar level of security.
We are very flexible on the security front. Our Sergeant-at-Arms and the security services in the Senate work very closely with the RCMP to ensure that the security measures that need to be taken are in place.
With regard to the flag question, Elizabeth...?