Thank you, Mr. Chair.
First of all, I'd like to thank you and the clerk for rearranging the committee's schedule in order for me to appear here today. I appreciate that.
I would also like to thank Geoff Regan, who is sponsoring the bill through all stages in the House of Commons.
I'd also like to thank all members who've supported this legislation, both past and present. Because of prorogations and a couple of elections, I think this is about its seventh time.
This is, by the way, the furthest.... We've finally gotten to this stage. We've never gotten this far before. We've been to where we were almost at this stage, when.... I can't recall whether it was an election—I think it was probably last year's election—that interrupted it. We're hoping that the seventh time will be the lucky time.
Thank you for this opportunity of speaking before you in support of this legislation. It would create the world's first nationally recognized National Philanthropy Day.
I thought I'd give you a bit of background on myself, since many of you may not know my background.
I've been a professional fundraiser since 1978 and a volunteer since childhood. Before being called to the Senate, I held many positions in the philanthropic sector. I was the executive director of the Metro Toronto branch of the Canadian Diabetes Association; I was vice-president of financial development at the YMCA of Greater Toronto; I was on contract with the Nova Scotia Lung Association and with St John Ambulance Nova Scotia Council; and I was the executive director of the Kidney Foundation of Canada, Nova Scotia branch.
I know that developing and maintaining relations with donors, volunteers, and philanthropists who provide the necessary funding and services for such things as education, health care, medical research, and the arts is highly important.
On November 15 each year, we recognize and thank the contributions that philanthropy has made to our communities, our provinces, our nation, and indeed the world. The purpose of this day is to increase public knowledge of philanthropy and to say thank you to those who give throughout the year, not only those who give money, but those who volunteer their time. It is a time to honour both local individuals and larger corporations for their charitable works.
First held in 1986, National Philanthropy Day celebrates the daily contributions that people make to many causes and to missions that are important to them. This year there will again be more than 100 National Philanthropy Day events and activities across North America alone, and more than 50,000 people will participate. Last year, 16 Canadian events honoured philanthropists in most major cities across the country. Some events attracted more than 1,000 people, some about 200, and some about 50.
I will be attending the National Philanthropy Day celebration in Calgary this year, which usually has more than 1,200 people in attendance. Over the years I have attended events in Halifax, Ottawa, St. John's, Victoria, Windsor, Kingston, and Toronto, so I have seen quite a few of the celebrations across the country.
What is important to point out is that the way in which we say thank you is different in every community, but the thank yous are always received with great support and appreciation.
Why is recognizing National Philanthropy Day important?
Recent research reveals that the economy has negatively impacted charitable giving. The number of Canadians giving to charities has stagnated, and donation levels are not rising in response to the increase in the need for the services that charities provide.
According to a StatsCan report released in April of this year, and using the numbers from 2010, the total amount of financial donations that individuals made to charitable or non-profit organizations stood at $10.6 billion, about the same amount as in 2007, when it was at $10.4 billion. The total number of donors stood at about 28.3 million, as compared with 27.1 million in 2007, and the average annual amount donated per donor was $446, as compared with $457 in 2007. As you can see, there is not much of a change; we're not moving up.
The demand upon charities continues to grow, so we need to ensure that the donor and volunteer bases continue to grow to match it. That is why formally recognizing National Philanthropy Day can be a vehicle for positive change in the charitable sector, as giving of oneself is one of the values that Canadians hold most dear.
To put this in perspective a little more, the charitable sector in Canada has more than $100 billion in annual revenue. It's made up of more than 160,000 organizations, one million paid staff, and over six million volunteers. Charitable and philanthropic organizations provide jobs and services in our communities where constraints in municipal, provincial, and federal government funding prevent similar services from existing.
Without adequate donor and volunteer resources, these organizations will not be able to provide these essential services in the communities in which we all live. National Philanthropy Day provides the opportunity to encourage more Canadians to become volunteers and donors and to simply say “thank you”. It is a chance for local volunteers to be recognized for the impact they have in their communities or to recognize that larger donor or philanthropist.
During my appearance before the Senate committee on Bill S-201, I was asked about this very thing. One of the things we try to do with National Philanthropy Day is to not focus solely on the major givers. While we do need to recognize them, we also need to put the emphasis on the small donor too. The young person who gives $5 is just as important as the person who gives millions of dollars. It is the commitment that is important.
Indeed, at last year's celebration of National Philanthropy Day in Ottawa, which I attended, there were some wonderful people recognized. Some of them had given away a lot of money or gave a lot of time, but the person who attracted the most attention at that event, which was held at the Chateau Laurier, if I recall, was a young lady who was 13 years old when her best friend committed suicide. You'll probably remember part of this story because it became very public when the Richardson family allowed the story to be used to help educate young people on the dangers of suicide and the dangers of bullying, as we've seen in the last couple of days.
This young lady took it upon herself to honour her friend by organizing a campaign in the community to sell simple wrist bracelets, which we've all seen. Hers were purple in colour. Over the time of selling them, and in combination with work with the Ottawa Senators Foundation, they put together nearly $1 million that came out of that one effort by a 13-year-old girl. Now, when you see that, that's philanthropy at its best.
In closing, I would ask you to think about the charities you may know and perhaps even volunteer with, such as: the Canadian Red Cross, the Canadian Cancer Society, the Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation, Cara Transition House in Gander, the Colchester Community Workshops in Truro, the Lethbridge Therapeutic Riding Association, in Lethbridge, to which I happen to be a donor, and L'Antre-temps, a homeless shelter for at-risk adults in Longueuil. The list goes on and on. You could all add to that list.
How often have you bought a chocolate bar from a young person for the local elementary school? How often have you gone to a dinner to support your local church? How often have you bought Girl Guide cookies or an apple from the Boy Scouts? How many times have you sponsored a family member, a staff member, or a friend in a run for medical research, many of which have just recently happened? How many people do you know who organize these types of events?
It is for these reasons and for those people that the government recognizes that National Philanthropy Day is so important. It is for these reasons that I urge you to pass this important piece of legislation.
I'd like to thank you again for this opportunity. I look forward to any questions you may have.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.