I want to touch on something you brought up. Are video games healthy? You said yes. I am not going to contest that answer. They can be or they can't be, but it depends. My concern isn't so much with the content itself and whether it's too violent or there is too much sex or whatever. I think the industry does a good job of labelling and making people aware of the product they are getting their hands on.
You did refer to the guys in the basement locked up playing video games all day. That's the biggest concern I have for my kids. As parents, we can choose what they play. We can also determine how much they play. The beer commercials say to drink responsibly. The casino commercials say to know where the limit is. Does the industry have any responsibility when it comes to addiction? Let's face it. For some people, but not everyone, there is a potential for addiction in some of these online games. Is that something that you think should be the industry's concern at all?