Nova Scotia is one of the provinces with a more lucrative digital media tax credit. I probably shouldn't complain too loudly, but we do leverage both tax credits.
As I mentioned, we're a fairly software development-intensive company. You're right. It's a model that we understand in terms of the SR and ED program. It's something that has worked. We've learned how to leverage that to grow our innovative software base and to then sell that more broadly on international markets.
You're right that we don't really yet quite understand the nature of the direct government investment in this field. We're certainly interested in where that may go, but we know what works and we know this is potentially being rolled back, so it certainly gives us pause.
On the provincial digital media side, I think a number of other guests talked about parachuting in specialized labour from other regions. At different times we'll need acting talent or vocal talent or engineers or graphic designers or something that we simply can't find in the Maritimes. This isn't a huge labour pool.
We're not able to leverage any of those resources in terms of tax credit filings on the digital media side. Therefore, if we can't leverage them—if we can't get a reasonable break, I suppose, on the cost of that labour—we're incented to look anywhere in the world for that labour, not primarily in Canada, which would be awfully nice. It would be nice to be able to look to Vancouver to find skill for the game that we're building, versus going to another country and having that money leave our borders.