Let me finish my point, though. Of those things that we do control versus those things that we don't control, the things that we don't control are by far the greater challenge to the public broadcaster. They are by far the greater challenge.
Those things that we do control, having worked with the CBC—and, again, we didn't reduce funding for the CBC overnight. We didn't drop it off a cliff and say, “There you go, now deal with it.” We worked with the CBC for months and months on how they would do their share to help Canada arrive at a balanced budget. We've seen pretty aggressive language in Parliament from both your party and the NDP about the importance of balancing the budget this week. We worked with the CBC for months on how they could do their part to balance the budget while still achieving their mandate in the Broadcasting Act.
The president and the board of directors of the CBC put together their 2015 plan, which does respect their obligations to the Broadcasting Act. They say—and they still say—that they can achieve their mandate in the Broadcasting Act with the funds that are contained in this budget. For sure they're going to make an argument—