We're the same as Stacey in terms of getting our final numbers. But, for example, at the Roosevelt cottage on Campobello Island, their numbers are up 25%. Numbers at the Hopewell Rocks are up 7% to 8%, and that is after some pretty dismal weather in July, but the numbers in September and October have been very strong.
I think the profile of the visitors who are coming and whom we intend to attract with this initiative is that they are highly educated people. These are people who spend a lot of money. These are not people who are going to go to McDonald's; they are going to want to experience Fundy seafood. They are going to want to buy local, authentic crafts; they are not going to want those made in China, or that sort of thing. In working together, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia have a fairly detailed profile of the type of visitors whom we want to attract with this.
I think we also have to be honest. With the Bay of Fundy being a finalist for the new seven wonders, we want to be up there with the Rockies and Niagara Falls. It's kind of like our saying, “Hey guys, don't forget about us in Atlantic Canada“, that we're worthy by virtue of the fact we are one of the new seven wonders finalists. We are worthy to be mentioned in the same breath as the Rockies.