A geopark is a designated area. There are none in North America at this time other than the one in New Brunswick. There are 160 in the world.
These are areas in the world that have a unique and fascinating geological history but that also provide an opportunity for potential economic development in terms of tourism around their geological history.
Called Stonehammer Geopark, the first one was designated, as I mentioned, at a conference in Greece last spring. It's the first one to qualify. There's a rigorous process to go through to have that designation. It is not a UNESCO designation but is recognized by UNESCO. It includes the area around Saint John; it goes to Lepreau Falls and down to St. Martins.
If you look at the Bay of Fundy on both sides, the first part of the Bay of Fundy is very much the marine part of it, as we call it, which is where you have the whales, the birds, et cetera. Then, further down the bay is the geological side of it, where you have the really unusual rock formations and cliffs. When you get to the end of the bay you see the tides, which is where you can do rafting in the tidal bore and walk on the ocean floor.