Yes, absolutely. We have vast numbers of athletes at the entry level and a pretty good number of coaches. It's still a challenge at the early level.
As Dino was saying, as we move to the competitive level, that's where we have challenges moving them up. They need that higher level of experience. On the drop in percentage from our entry level coaches to our competitive level coaches, there are probably fewer than one in ten coaches who will move up and will pursue it up to that level, or they'll touch on it and you'll have them for six months to a year and then they'll disappear.
The challenge for us moving into that is definitely retention in those higher levels. Like figure skating, it's a highly technical sport, so it involves a great deal of training. The volunteer parent coach is a wonderful thing to have, but in our sport it's not a reality. Your pool of people who potentially could move into that is very, very small. As Dino said, there are those diamonds in the rough you will sometimes find within the parents. We sometimes have them involved in judging and officiating, but not in coaching, so the pool itself is quite small.