Basically when you start in figure skating, you're starting more on the instruction side. The beginner context you see on that page is really where our entry level is for both our athletes, our skaters, and our coaches. Really in some ways, the instruction stream is where you begin. Then as you move up through some of those beginning levels, you decide whether or not you want to stay within the instruction stream or move over to the competition side. To some extent really, because of the way our club environments work, if you have competitors within your club, you might actually look like you're in the instruction stream but you've actually got competitive qualifications in terms of your coaching.
When you look into the details of what splits those two, specifically you're looking at the competency base component on the back end. This is in terms of what the coach has to do to demonstrate they have the ability and the expertise to work with athletes within a specific context. If they're working with recreational athletes, the markers of their competency are based on working with recreational athletes, similar to what it would be like if they were working with competitive athletes, but the markers are different. The level and the standard are different working with competitive athletes. Without getting into all the detail on that, that's generally how the split or the divide works. We don't have any difference in level of importance for those individuals because our instruction stream basically makes up the majority of our members.
We have roughly 180,000 members within our organization. Only 4,000 of them are actually deemed to be competitive skaters. Those are skaters who are moving through our system trying to vie for qualifying national championships. There are lots of competitions that are occurring, but in terms of those leaning towards our national championships, there are only about 3,000 to 4,000. A lot of our focus is on our instruction streams. That's why our coaches in many cases are working on both sides of that picture. It's really based on the nature of the athlete you have to work with and the competencies they have to show in order to do that.